Services that will get you ahead
As an innovation partner of OEMs in the leading technology industries, our range of services extends holistically across engineering, IT and consulting and is focused on the product development process - both digital and real. In this respect, our emphasis is on interdisciplinary cooperation aimed at ensuring the integration of all existing framework conditions during product creation.
In developing and optimising methods, tools and concrete solutions for our customers' products and processes, we primarily stand out due to our agile and dynamic way of working. We never lose focus on the overarching project goal by striking an ideal balance between creativity and rationality. In addition, our ongoing research activities, both in our own projects and in cooperations within the framework of German and European research funding, provide us with a decisive advantage in terms of knowledge.
With interdisciplinary teams of experts, we transfer the expertise we have been acquiring for over 30 years in our core sector, the automotive industry, to related sectors such as aerospace, healthcare, and energy both successfully and holistically. In the process, we maintain regular contact with our customers and partners and establish a trust-based working relationship. This is one of the reasons, why we are regularly recommended as a trustworthy development partner.
We continuously develop our expertise in consulting through targeted qualification measures. In this context, we do not miss out on being passionate and having fun with technical topics. In addition to our core competencies - Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM), Change Management and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) - our range of services includes the following specialist fields: Requirements Engineering, Business Process Management (BPM), Business Relationship Management (BRM), Target Management, Trend and Technology Scouting, Strategic Communication, Vision Development, Organisational Development, Coaching and Training.
Enterprise Architecture
Efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation can only be continuously increased through the continual improvement of existing processes. We use Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) to model existing processes or tool chains and to identify redundancies and sources of error - thus designing a more efficient product creation process. We provide an integrated view of IT systems, processes and organisational units and create transparency at different levels of business processes.
Standardised presentations and well-founded capability analyses, aimed at creating synergies and raising efficiency potentials, make EAM an extremely attractive planning and management tool for our customers. We facilitate the substantiated evaluation of requirements and problem-solving solutions, resulting in targeted decisions and a significant minimisation of risks.
Change Management
Shaping the future requires to leave well-trodden paths behind be it the adaptation of a process, profound changes in the corporate structure, new software introductions or even a complete change of strategy. It is part of human nature to be sceptical of changes, as they are often associated with uncertainties about the future and, as a result, perceived as dangers and risks. We would like to encourage you to leave these tracks, embark on new ventures together with us and take advantage of the opportunities they offer.
Professional change management starts with the analysis of the initial situation, includes the systematic development of a common vision and an implementation plan, as well as comprehensive qualification measures. Appropriate change communication informs not only those affected and motivates them to take advantage of the opportunities that arise, but also actively involves them in the change process.
Product Lifecycle Management
Ever shorter development cycles, pressure to achieve greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness in the product development process, constantly increasing product complexity and strict statutory requirements in the product liability context pose considerable challenges for large corporations and their system suppliers alike. At the same time, the requirements for the systems to be developed are increasing and, in turn, lead to greater complexity of engineering IT systems, IT infrastructure as well as EDM processes and applied methods. We would like to take on these challenges together with you and support you in launching your products successfully on the market.
An approach modern companies use to cope with this escalating complexity is the systematic management concept of product lifecycle management. We advise our customers from various industries throughout the entire process chain of virtual product development in the context of CAx/EDM system, process and methodology, as well as in all stages of the product lifecycle - from early stages of prototype development and structure validation to the late stage of product series development.
IT Solutions
Information and communication technologies are drivers of digital transformation - the products developed by you as a customer are becoming more digital, mobile, complex, end-to-end and fast-paced. In this context, software is taking up an increasingly large part of your added value.
Product development poses significant challenges in terms of end-to-end requirements management, an agile development process, distributed IT architecture, centralised or decentralised hosting, dynamic and real-time capable data management, as well as data analysis as a value-added service. Together with you, we design sustainable results and value-creating solutions for your long-term success.
Car IT
The next ten years will revolutionise both the vehicle and the way we get around. The introduction of highly automated and autonomous driving, the networking of vehicles with each other and with the infrastructure as well as the powertrain electrification are transforming the companies of the automotive industry into mobility service providers.
As a consultancy and development partner of this emerging ecosystem of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, network providers and IT companies, we help to shape this transition with a focus on digital transformation. Autonomous, connected or electrified driving - We Think One Step Ahead.
Enterprise Applications
Data is the new oil: The value-added services of the future will primarily consist of real-time capable data analysis of networked objects and individuals. In just a few years, 20 billion devices on the Internet of Things will automatically share a wide variety of information with each other - and that is just the beginning. However, the added value is by no means limited to this ad-hoc information: Already today, meaningful, but unanalysed industry data from operational product creation and development processes is available to the industry - a great opportunity that needs to be capitalised on.
As a consultancy and development partner for leading industry players, we support our clients in analysing the added value of their data and optimising their processes. Our data scientists benefit from four strengths: many years of consulting expertise, a strong understanding of our customers' products and processes, the interdisciplinary and agile corporate environment and our in-depth understanding of mathematics as the backbone of data analysis.
Model Based Systems Engineering
MBSE to us means the continuous end-to-end modeling and simulation of the product, using the V-model at the overall system, component, and module level.
We examine the entire development cycle from requirements analysis to system specification and software design to system testing. Our focus ison the consistency in the development process and consideration of all framework conditions - for example, compliance with functional safety according to ISO 26262 or DO-178B/C or information security with an emphasis on security.
Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is the key to a production site that is fit for the future. At the core of this paradigm is the end-to-end horizontal networking of the supply chain, the vertical integration of all technologies involved in the production process and the end-to-end digital tool chain across the entire product creation and production process. The benefits include faster production cycles, individualised products, improved efficiency and flexible production lines, as well as increased life expectancy of equipment.
However, the step towards full digitalisation of production and product also poses significant challenges at all corporate levels, from both an organisational and a technical/scientific perspective. In addition to providing advice on classifying, introducing and implementing the Industry 4.0 paradigm in the company, TWT focuses on the virtual lifecycle of both the equipment and the product and supports this process end-to-end throughout all phases.
For TWT, digital product development means multidisciplinary engineering. Only through close collaboration between different experts does a holistic understanding of the system emerge, which provides the best possible foundation for product development. In this respect, tangible quality is always at the centre.
At TWT, we offer the entire range of digital engineering services from a single source: from conceptual design to geometric and functional optimisation and validation using simulation. In addition to the classic detail-oriented engineering disciplines, TWT also covers all fields of systems engineering dealing with a holistic, system-oriented view of customer requirements.
Digital Product Development
Today, products are predominantly developed digitally to save costs and time. We recognised this trend at an early stage and have focused on digitalisation since the company was founded more than 30 years ago, by advancing the digital integration of engineering and information technology.
Our expertise in design, calculation, method development and process consulting allows us to look critically at the details, as well as to consider highly complex systems as a whole. Every day, our employees deal with complex issues and know how to solve them in a targeted and structured manner. We always pursue the overriding objective to develop our customers' end products quickly, cost-effectively and in a networked manner.
In addition to methods and processes, TWT is also involved in optimising end products. An important focus here is the modelling of all components of vehicle concepts that are relevant to energy and consumption; in this way, the potential for optimisation of each individual component can be virtually demonstrated. The spectrum of applications ranges from the classic internal combustion engine to mild and plug-in hybrids to electric vehicles, and extends from motorbikes and passenger cars to heavy commercial vehicles.
Another consumption-related challenge is the optimisation of weight. Weight management shapes and controls the product property of weight for complex product portfolios, thus providing the optimum starting point for the components' geometric design in accordance with the principles of lightweight construction. With pertinent project experience and specific software tools, TWT covers all aspects of weight management: the forecasting of new product weights, technical controlling, reporting and weight-related product optimisation.
Real - Digital Convergence
As a result of digitalisation and extensive networking, it is now possible to represent the real world in ever greater detail virtually using the latest digital tools and methods. Therefore, the boundaries between the real and digital worlds seem to have become increasingly blurred. Topics such as Industry 4.0 or the Internet of Things are also part of research and development at TWT, with new insights being constantly incorporated into ongoing projects.