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Research for an innovative future

The principle of integrating current research results and future-oriented topics into our projects is already deeply ingrained in our company's name - Technisch Wissenschaftlicher Transfer [Technical Scientific Transfer]. With the aim of securing progress today for tomorrow, TWT is involved in numerous national and international research projects. Activities include initiation, management and coordination of consortia, as well as participation in research initiatives.

Our innate drive for improvement aims to stimulate research-based innovations and advance emerging, cutting-edge technologies. Innovation and scientific expertise, coupled with the competence to examine things holistically, have been the cornerstones and driving forces behind TWT's successful research activities since the company was founded.

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The focus of the addFlex research project is to exploit the possibilities of additive manufacturing for the lightweight construction of a flexible gripping system. The additive and software-supported manufacturing method used will pave the way for a completely new robot-based handling system and with-it novel automation options for variant-rich production and small series. This new technology is embedded in a digitized and automated process chain that aims to take a holistic view of the product and process.

The use of additive manufacturing to manufacture the gripper as a lightweight product can significantly reduce the overall weight of the gripper. For example, lighter plastics can be used instead of conventional steel or aluminum if permitted by the product requirements. In addition, hollow and lattice structures can be considered in the design of the base module and the gripper fingers through topology optimization. Overall, this can result in weight and volume savings of up to 50%, thus achieving greater material efficiency. Lighter grippers have a direct impact on the payload of robots. The potential for increasing the payload of a lightweight robot, e.g., the UR5e type (Universal Robots), would be around 8-12%. At the same time, increasing the payload could open up additional fields of application for lightweight robots that have lower energy consumption than conventional industrial robots.

Learn more about addFlex


The focus of the "addFlex" project - Additive manufacturing for lightweight flexible grippers - is a digitized process chain as a standardized solution for automated lightweight construction of flexible grippers using additive manufacturing. This innovative technology will support the development of, more resource-efficient, adaptive, and robot-supported multi-variant production processes in the future.

Our contributions to the project

  • Automated creation of 3D-printable CAD models..
  • Automatic topology optimization based on provided input data..
  • Provision of a CAD interface for control via a web application..


  • RWTH Aachen - Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering
  • Plan Software GmbH
  • Zimmer Group GmbH
  • LBBZ GmbH
  • Otto
  • Harrand GmbH


This project aims to optimize radar sensing in autonomous vehicles, a key technology in autonomous vehicles. Some of the relevant challenges can be addressed particularly well with neuromorphic algorithms: the sparsity of the data, sensor noise and other interference, and measurement uncertainties. These challenges will be investigated in the context of Neuromorphic Computing with a focus on two approaches and their connection/potential synergies: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with Resonate and Fire (RF) neurons, and Sparse Coding. As part of the project, methodological concepts will be developed for the specific application of processing radar sensor data and a demonstration based on the Intel Loihi 2 will be developed and evaluated end-to-end.

Learn more about Naomi4Radar


The goal of "NAOMI4Radar" is to optimize radar data processing in autonomous vehicles using #NeuromorphicComputing. Compared to traditional AI algorithms, this approach offers significant advantages: their lower energy consumption reduces CO2 emissions, while direct processing of algorithms on the chip decreases latency, thereby increasing safety through faster response times. Within the project duration of approximately one year, we aim to demonstrate the industrial applicability of the neuromorphic chip #Loihi2.

Our contributions to the project

  • Enable a direct transfer of results to the automotive industry.
  • Develop a prototype demonstrator, which integrates the entire processing chain in an end-to-end manner—from data acquisition with radar sensors, processing via the neuromorphic chip, to the visualization of results in the vehicle.


  • Mercedes-Benz AG
  • University of Lübeck
  • Intel Labs
  • Technical University of München


In TwinMaP, digital twins of a heterogeneous machine park and manual assembly stations including human workers are developed and coupled, creating a network between machines, workers, workstations, tools, and materials. Based on this, an efficient, 3D-based worker assistance system is designed and installed-, and the overall process of parts production and assembly is simulated and optimized. This allows us to evaluate and optimize processes in which the entire machine park and all assembly lines are considered. In addition, the inclusion of new machines or operational changes can be analyzed fully virtually, which can, for instance, be used to simulate the effects of future material investments on the overall production process.

Learn more about TwinMaP


Firstly, the development of a software-based, self-optimizing system to support decisions and to dynamically and flexibly adapt instructions for workers. For this purpose, manual work processes and the work environment are evaluated via interaction with the workers and the recording of signals from various visual and acoustic sensors., und akustischer erfasst und ausgewertet.

Secondly, the development and coupling of a combination of digital twins of tools, shelves, load carriers, and workers. The required work instructions will be generated as automatically as possible and displayed to the worker in a context-based manner so that they can work flexibly and efficiently.

Our contributions to the project

  • Development of models of human behavior, perception, and movement for a realistic representation of human workers in the simulation.
  • The automated and intelligent generation of such simulation models.
  • Development of textual natural language user interfaces that enable human workers to specify process conditions, states, and parameters in natural language and to receive well-formulated and easy-to-understand instructions in natural language.
  • Optimization of an assistance system for workers based on the use of cameras.


  • Daimler Buses GmbH
  • SimPlan
  • ISG - Industrial Control Technology
  • ifak – Institute for Automation and Communication
  • TTZ Sonthofen –Kempten University
  • VELIT Consulting
  • German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  • Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences


The aim of DISRUPT is the decentralized evaluation of infrastructure sensors and vehicle sensors with tracking and prediction software to predict the traffic situation in the near future. A major advantage of decentralized evaluation is the uncomplicated integration of both vehicle sensors and mobile sensor boxes, with communication of the tracking and prediction results being implemented via a data cloud. Together with a digital twin in TRONIS, neuro-cognitive prediction models make it possible to predict the traffic situation in the near future and send warning messages to road users and forward the corresponding information to traffic lights.

Learn more about DISRUPT


The aim of DISRUPT is to develop decentralized tracking and prediction algorithms for predicting the traffic situation in the near future. The tracking results are determined locally by the corresponding (sensor) units and exchanged using a cloud-based platform, utilizing stationary and mobile sensors as well as existing vehicle sensors.

Our contributions to the project

  • Requirements and specification analysis.
  • Creation and simulation of digital twin of the test field in TRONIS.
  • Virtual sensor modeling.
  • Data exchange modelling to account for latency & transmission errors.


  • cogniBIT GmbH
  • TechHub GmbH. GEVAS Software GmbH
  • TWT GmbH
    Fraunhofer IVI
  • Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt


SkaLaB means Scalable center for the production of sheet metal car body components. In SkaLaB, a highly flexible and reconfigurable manufacturing center for the production of car body components made of sheet metal is being developed. SkaLaB is based on a systematically digital and transparent manufacturing concept by means of a process generator, that automatically plans the flexible manufacturing process chain based on the CAD data of the components. A digital mapping of the manufacturing and material handling processes enables a quantity-dependent selection of cost-, efficiency-, flexibility- and resilience-optimized manufacturing process chains. Part of the process generator are digital twins of the product and the manufacturing techniques currently available in the SkaLaB manufacturing center. In series production, it will become possible to reconfigure the process chain to suit the individual car body components.

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Learn more about SkaLaB


The aim of this project is to develop and test highly flexible manufacturing centers for sheet metal car body components that can be scaled in all dimensions (geometry, semi-finished product, material, production quantity) and that can be utilized in series production. The manufacturing centers will make it for the first time possible to reconfigure the process sequence in series production to suit the individual car body component. This should reduce the manufacturing costs for new, geometrically different body variants. Especially for the identified critical quantities of <= 50,000 units p.a., the SkaLaB centers are expected to offer drastic, economic advantages over conventional processes and to be economically applicable close to a customer-specific batch size 1. The aim of TWT in SkaLaB is to create a process generator for a component-specific selection of the appropriate manufacturing processes, the process sequence and the process parameters. The process generator will allow for rapid reconfiguration of the process elements involved and network the value creation processes in such a way that the production becomes more robust in the face of disruptions.

What is SkaLaB used for?

With SkaLaB it will become possible

  • to reconfigure the process sequence in series production individually for each component
  • to carry out the production close to a customer-specific batch size 1 economically and
  • to network the value creation processes in such a way that production becomes more robust in the face of disruptions.

Our contributions to the project

  • Development and realization of the SkaLaB process generator for automated and AI-based manufacturing planning and optimization. This involves the use, further development and combination of rule-based systems, exact as well as heuristic search and optimization methods and AI approaches. This automated planning of manufacturing and material handling processes should enable the process selection as well as the determination of process sequence and process parameters.
  • Integration of a feature recognition approach and of digital twins into the process generator, as well as development and realization of a virtual quality inspection for the verification of the generated car body component variants.
  • Implementation of the software infrastructure, functional modules and graphical user interface of the process generator.



  • voestalpine Automotive Components GmbH Dettingen
  • HMT Heldener Metalltechnik GmbH & Co. KG
  • Franz Hof GmbH
  • MPA Technology GmbH
  • ISG Industrielle Steuerungstechnik GmbH
  • VIA Consult GmbH & Co. KG *
  • Universität Siegen
  • Fernuniversität Hagen
  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation



Supercomputers in the near future will be different from today’s HPC (High Performance Computing) systems in many ways. The process towards more computing power involves a divergence from the traditional approach of “scaling out by just adding more building blocks”, and has to rely on innovation across the stack considering the three key challenges performance at scale, energy efficiency, and resilience.

The REGALE project started in April 2021. It aims to build a software stack that is not only capable of bringing efficiency to tomorrow’s HPC systems. It also will be open and scalable for massive supercomputers. REGALE brings together leading supercomputing stakeholders, prestigious academics, top European supercomputing centers and end users from critical target sectors, covering the entire value chain in system software and applications for extreme scale technologies.


Design by vecstock
Learn more about REGALE


TWT’s pilot focuses on the design of a car bumper made up of CNT/G-reinforced composites that will exhibit superior mechanical behavior over conventional car bumpers in crash scenarios. The goal is to achieve optimum material designs (weight fraction of CNTs/Gs, orientation etc.) through optimization algorithms, appropriately modified to consider the effect of uncertainties in the geometry and dispersion of the inclusions in the parent polymer.

Our contributions to the project

  • Setting up a hybrid finite-element and neural-network model of the CNT/G-reinforced composites car bumper
  • Obtaining optimum parameters like weight fraction, orientation etc. using stochastic optimization techniques
  • Transferring the problem to the Melissa framework of the REGALE project to deploy it on an exascale system
  • Communicating results and findings in open access journals, and relevant conferences


  • NTUA – School of Civil Engineering, Greece (partner for Pilot)
  • Andritz, Austria
  • Atos, France
  • BSC, Spain
  • Cineca, Italy
  • E4 Computer Engineering, Italy
  • LRZ, Germany
  • Ryax, France
  • Scio, Greece
  • Ubitech, Greece
  • University of Bologna, Italy
  • Université Grenoble Alpes, France


Infectious diseases with a pandemic course also pose major challenges for industrialized nations: on the one hand, for health care and public health, and on the other hand, socioeconomically, due to infection control measures. Rapid response is needed to initiate measures that both contain the infection outbreak and maintain optimal health care, not only for those acutely infected, but also for persons with other illnesses. Actions in this regard are taken at the political regulatory level as well as by health care providers in the context of resource deployment. At both levels, decision-making is complex (time pressure, ethical component, interdependencies between measures that are difficult to assess) and can have far-reaching consequences.

Learn more about MODELIGEV


The goal of the project is to support this complex decision-making with regard to efficacy and effectiveness as well as the avoidance of undesirable effects. The solution consists of setting up a digital twin for the model region, which contains all relevant data and assumptions, so that the infection events inside and outside the health care system (HCS) can be simulated. Special focus is on the processes and conditions in the HCS (networking, capacities of personnel/material, etc.). Based on this digital twin, a system is set up using methods of model-based systems engineering, so that a demonstrator tool is created in which measures can be run through, effects visualized and the overall procedure evaluated. The dynamic model allows the demonstrator tool to be flexibly adapted, e.g. to regional circumstances or to infection specifics (e.g. mutations), and the tool can be extended for use in similar challenges, e.g. natural disasters. For this specific research project, the focus will be on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The primary end-users are decision-makers in the health care system.

Our contributions to the project

  • Creation of a metamodel for the health care system
  • Creation of a concrete model and verification of the metamodel
  • Creation of a demonstrator tool for practial application


  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation*
  • Universitätsmedizin Halle (Saale)

*national coordinator


In order to fully exploit the possibilities of quantum computing, it is of great importance that the German industry is able to use quantum resources in Germany in a legally secure and independent manner. The SeQuenC project will enable this by building a technology-based standard for a German quantum cloud. This cloud will have extensible connections to quantum computers and ensure that quantum-based processes also take place in the German legal space. The SeQuenC platform aims to create a Gaia-X compliant cloud platform for quantum software. This will enable the monetization of quantum services and quantum software and open up great potential for research, business and industry.

Learn more about SeQuenC


The implementation will be done by utilizing a technology stack based on the German data protection and sovereignty framework. Particular attention will be paid to Gaia-X Federation Services to ensure compliance with Gaia-X and enable easy portability to other cloud infrastructures. An integrated orchestration and provisioning platform with API management and monetization component will be used to support quantum services. Integration with existing cloud offerings is done via standard APIs, primarily for operational tooling, customer support, and billing support systems (payment, metering, etc.). Advanced semantic descriptions of services and SeQuenC platform components, based on semantic approaches from Gaia-X and existing semantic knowledge models in PlanQK, facilitate integration with PlanQK and enable more advanced Gaia-X-based services such as service search, selection and recommendation, and semantic workflow description.

Our contributions to the project

  • Participation in workshops and discussions
  • Provide insight into our society's perspective and needs for quantum technology and the proposed ecosystem
  • Establish contact with other partners who may be interested in the project


  • University Stuttgart
  • QMware
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS


TWT accompanies and supports SeQuenC as an associated partner.


Digital 3D models of our environment are an essential prerequisite for many areas such as automated driving, mobility, logistics, energy and environment, and meta-world applications. In particular, high-quality 3D models of buildings can only be created manually so far, so that they are not yet available area-wide.

LevelUp provides methods for the automated creation and integration of Level of Detail 3 (LOD3) traffic space models. The project acts as a cross-cutting technology for the metaverse, mobility, logistics, energy, and environmental domains.

The project reduces the gap between reality and the digital world and offers the potential for further development shift to the digital world or mergers of both worlds in AR/metaverse applications.

Learn more about LevelUp


The aim of the joint project "LevelUp" is to develop methods for the automated creation of 3D models for traffic areas. The environment is captured with scanners and sensors by vehicles or UAVs to generate the output data. The innovation in the project is to transform these data into semantic-rich and high-quality 3D models, so-called LOD3 building models. This requires methods for data fusion, object recognition and from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) for classification. In addition, the efficient creation of training data for AI is a major challenge.

What is LevelUp used for?

The project contributes to closing the gap between reality and the digital world. By integrating road, terrain, environmental information and cadastres, a comprehensive traffic space model is being built, which will be evaluated with various deployment scenarios. The benefit for Germany as a business location is to accelerate the digital transformation and support the goals of sustainability, quality of life and technology for people of the High-Tech Strategy 2025.

Our contributions to the project

  • Importer of LOD3 building reconstructions
  • Converter with georeferencing
  • Integration traffic area model
  • VR demonstrator
  • Model creation


  • University of Applied Sciences Munich (HM)
  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH
  • Point Cloud Technology GmbH (PCT)
  • Virtualcitysystems GmbH (associated partner)

Storage MultiApp

Storage MultiApp will significantly improve the economic performance of stationary industrial storage systems. For this purpose, the operating strategy for "multi-use cases" (self-consumption, peak shaving, etc.) will be optimized, taking lifetime aspects into account, and adapting the hardware to these increased requirements. The operating strategy to be developed is based on a sound understanding of the storage system behavior and its degradation or aging over time. It is precisely these aspects that need to be modeled efficiently and accurately in order to evaluate the impact of "multi-use" applications and to design the lifetime-optimized operating strategy. AI methods will support the characterization and forecasting of services and markets to transfer the defined operation strategy to the low level hardware control.

Learn more about Storage MultiApp


The MultiApp project aims to significantly improve the profitability of stationary industrial storage systems by enabling new business cases. In this context, the operation strategy for "multi-use cases" (self-consumption, peak shaving, etc.) is to be optimized, taking lifetime aspects into account, and adapting the hardware to these increased requirements. The technical and scientific goals of the project include, among other things, the shortening of development times for lifetime optimized hardware, the establishment of modern battery ageing modelling approaches in industrial applications, as well as the development of suitable solution methods for optimization models of battery storage systems with forecast uncertainty.

What is Storage MultiApp used for?

The market for commercial industrial storage systems ("Comercial Storage System" CSS) is a dynamically growing industry. The annual installed capacity in Germany has increased continuously since 2016. Primarily, these systems are used to reduce electricity costs via grid-based services such as peak-shaving or atypical grid use. The reason for this is that peak load capping leads to much faster remuneration than, for example, pure self-consumption optimization in industrial facilities. Thus, profitability can only be achieved in few cases, as investment costs for CSS including installation are currently very high. In addition to grid-based services, the storage system must therefore provide high flexibility to increase reveneu. However, this "multi-use" application means that the storage system will complete several hundred equivalent full cycles on annual average. In addition, the systems are designed to fulfill power peaks with minimal storage capacity or system costs. As a result, CSS are operated at high charging and discharging rates, leading to accelerated cell aging. The aim of the Storage MultiAPP research project is therefore to develop a digital twin that couples modern cell aging models, battery hardware and operational management strategies to enable a long-term aging prognosis for CSS. In this way, aging costs can be planned and optimized via hardware design and operation strategy.

Our contributions to the project

• Electro-thermal modelling of the industrial storage system
• Data Analytics and Model Order Reduction
• Support in the evaluation of hardware design alternatives
• Extension of an efficient long-term simulation environment for the consideration of multi-use applications
• Evaluation and validation of the operating strategy via lifetime simulations


• VARTA Storage (Coordinator)
• TUM Lehrstuhl für Elektrischen Energiespeichersystemen EES
• TUM Lehrstuhl für Energie-Management EMT
• Hochschule Kempten
• Siemens Infrastructure (Associated Partner)


AIDA - Artificial Intelligence Data Incubator. Modern motion capture and simulation technologies enable the optimization of both the safety of sensor mobility platforms and the safety and acceptance of these platforms from the perspective of road users. The purpose of the AIDA project is to develop autonomous, artificial intelligence (AI)-based driving systems through interactive data collection with humans, and thus to prepare both humans as important road users and the driving systems for common urban scenarios. As a result, innovative processes are expected to be developed that allow the targeted collection of important and relevant AI data. At the same time, the municipality is involved in this data collection process. The establishment of AIDA is intended to enable new research that has not been feasible to date. AIDA integrates an AI ecosystem that supports the establishment of the AI data incubator and simultaneously generates new business models for important future areas. AIDA is a funded lighthouse project of the Regio-WIN region Neckar-Alb and the Regional Development Concept FORTUNA² within the framework of the RegioWIN 2030 framework program.

Learn more about AIDA


AIDA is building a unique AI data incubator for realistic simulation to validate sensor technology of (partially) autonomous sensor data carriers, especially for urban autonomous driving in pedestrian environments. The complementary partners, primarily industrial, are actively involved in building an AI ecosystem for the development and validation of mobile AI systems. Artificial intelligence is being established regionally as a cross-sectional technology with the involvement of regional, national and international partners in order to economically expand the sustainably oriented AI location.

Our contributions to the project

  • TWT contributes its in-house software Tronis®, an environment for virtual prototyping and validation of driver assistance systems, e.g. for highly automated or autonomous driving.
  • TWT contributes staff capacities for data generation, application of AI processes, simulations and tests with our software products and components.
  • Tronis® contains virtual sensor, communication, pedestrian, vehicle, driver and environment models that we intend to use in the project to virtually map use cases as well as simulatively validate them.


  • Hochschule Reutlingen Prof. Cristobal Curio,
  • GER Gewerbeimmobilien GmbH & Co. KG,
  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation,
  • banto UG,
  • dSpace GmbH,
  • NISYS GmbH
  • Mercedes-Benz AG,
  • Honda Research Institute Europe,
  • Cyber Valley (Universität Tübingen, colugo GmbH),
  • obsurver UG, PARAVAN GmbH,
  • Universidad de Alcalá





The SAVeNoW joint project aims to create the conditions for intelligent planning, development and control of highly automated and networked mobility in the urban and regional environment of tomorrow using data, behavior and simulation models. Technological solution concepts will be developed and their interaction and integration will be researched against the background of social issues. The domains of functional and traffic safety, traffic efficiency as well as emissions and environment are addressed.

Learn more about SAVeNoW


Research of a Digital Twin of Urban Traffic in Ingolstadt for the Analysis of Efficiency, Safety, Ecology and Acceptance of Traffic Measures

Our contributions to the project

TWT participates in the SAVeNoW project in the following areas:

  • Modeling of a virtual test field with SysML
  • Creation of photorealistic 3D city and traffic models
  • Simulation of scenarios of automated driving (sensors and driving behavior)


  • Audi
  • DLR
  • Fraunhofer IVI
  • THI Carissma
  • TU München
  • KU Eichstätt
  • Uni Stuttgart
  • ASAP
  • 3D-Mapping-Solutions
  • Conti-Temic
  • EFS
  • SeppMed


MoHAFe is researching and demonstrating hybrid working in passenger cars with automation levels 3 to 4, which will become even more attractive and more frequently applicable as a result of the planned new EU regulation permitting automated driving at speeds of up to 130 km/h. The technical-organizational goal is to use the passenger car as a workplace while adapting to the developments towards sustainable mobile work promoted by the covid pandemic. To this end, current results from work science, interface and mobility research will be used to create a demonstrator for working in a (sharing) vehicle, which should potentially also be usable in public transport. Use cases for one or more people in the vehicle including training and education tasks as well as collaboration with spatially remote people, each involved in one or more tasks, will be addressed. VR/AR technologies will be used as needed, with a special focus on user needs in terms of a positive overall experience.

Learn more about MoHAFe


The project MoHAFe focusses on creating a mobile workplace in the automated vehicle by including and altering the interior of the cockpit and taking interaction possibilities into account. At the same time, the need for an interactive, intelligent, intuitive virtual work environment that meets user requirements comparable to those of a stationary workstation, both in terms of usability and in the processing of confidential information, is accessed.

What if MoHAFe used for?

MoHAFe contributes to the very current trends of driving automation and new work. In the process, possibilities for the future-oriented interior design of (partially) autonomous vehicles in the sense of an optional, fully-fledged workplace are being conceived, tested and made tangible. The concepts developed should be relevant to a broad group of people as well as different usage scenarios. The resulting option of performing work activities during business and commuting trips results in more flexible design options for individual work as well as working time.

Our contributions to the project

  • Requirements and use case analysis
  • Creation and simulation of a virtual vehicle interior (digital twin)
  • Creation of an intelligent UX design using AI and the conception of human-machine interaction
  • Evaluation of use cases


  • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation (TWT)
  • Fraunhofer-Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), Stuttgart


In order to use Quantum Computing efficiently and specifically in real application scenarios, it is essential to have detailed knowledge and experience in dealing with corresponding technologies and concepts. Especially for SMEs it is difficult to get started with Quantum Computing in order to bring new business models and products to the market. While there are many algorithms for quantum computing that can be found on websites, in textbooks and scientific publications, selecting the right algorithm for a specific situation and implementing it on a specific quantum computer requires a comprehensive understanding of the theory and technology. Even when suitable algorithms are found, it is important to turn them into executable programs that add value. This requires deep knowledge of the development environment of the specific quantum computer. Due to the complexity and novelty of these technological trends, there is no easy access to know-how, data, algorithms and experts in these fields. In particular, knowledge sharing via open ecosystems and platforms is lacking. Therefore, the formation of a broad community on a common platform for the exchange of knowledge and technology in the field of quantum computing offers an opportunity to empower industry and especially SMEs to exploit these technology fields and gain access to future key technologies.

PlanQK (1)
Learn more about PlanQK


The concept of PlanQK aims to develop an open platform and ecosystem for quantum applications. This will create and foster a community of quantum computing specialists, developers of concrete applications, as well as users, customers, service providers and consultants. The PlanQK platform serves as the technical basis for building this quantum computing community. Central components are algorithms, applications and data pools from various sources such as the web, published articles or books. The platform enables these algorithms and data to be distributed and sold through the community. The algorithms and data pools are stored in a special database called PlanQK Algorithm & Data Content Store. The community and the platform operator's specialists can access this database, analyze, clean and unify the algorithms and data. Quality-checked algorithms and data pools are stored in the PlanQK Community Platform. The data pools provide quality assurance and validation by allowing customers and the community to compare different algorithms. Based on the quality-assured algorithms, developers can implement them for execution on a quantum computer. These programs, called Quantum Services, are also quality-assured and stored in the PlanQK Quantum Service Store. Customers can search for algorithms and data in this store and purchase them or use them for free. Similarly, programs implementing such algorithms can be searched for, purchased or used free of charge. If a particular algorithm or data pool is not found or implemented by a program, customers can make requests to the community, service providers, or the platform operator. In case of a purchase, the algorithm, the program and, if applicable, the corresponding data are automatically packaged and transmitted to the quantum computer. Invoicing for the resources used also takes place via the platform.

Our contributions to the project

  • Participation in workshops and discussions
  • Provide insight into our society's perspective and needs for quantum technology and the proposed ecosystem
  • Establish contact with other partners who may be interested in the project


  • Anaqor AG
  • University of Stuttgart - Institute for Architecture of Application Systems
  • University of Stuttgart - Institute for Functional Matter and Quantum Technologies, Quantum Information and Technology
  • Accenture GmbH
  • Federal Printing Office GmbH (BDr)
  • DB Systel GmbH
  • DB System Technology GmbH
  • d-fine GmbH
  • Frankfurt Consulting Engineers GmbH (FCE)
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS (FOKUS) Data Analytics Center
  • Free University of Berlin (FUB) Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems
  • HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH
  • Komm.ONE
  • Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
  • Plenario GmbH
  • Regio iT Society for Information Technology GmbH (regio iT)
  • Smart Reporting GmbH
  • T-Labs, Deutsche Telekom AG (DT)
  • TRUMPF Machine Tools GmbH + Co. KG
  • Virality GmbH


In addition to TWT, PlanQK is accompanied and supported by other well-known small, medium-sized and large companies as well as scientific institutions and associations as associated partners.


The acronym Longer stands for "Lifetime-Optimized Intelligent Battery Storage Systems". This project will significantly improve the ecological and economic performance of stationary home energy storage systems. To this end, methods will be developed that individually adjust the charging and discharging strategy of the storage system to the customer's usage behavior and thus optimize self-consumption and extends the service life of the storage system. The approaches to be developed are based on a sound understanding of the storage system behavior and its degradation or aging over time. AI methods will support the characterization and forecasting of services and markets to transfer the defined operation strategy to the low level hardware control. The consideration of economic boundary conditions, such as variable electricity fees, round off the project.

Learn more about LONGER


The Longer project aims to significantly improve the ecological and economic performance of stationary home energy storage systems. To this end, this project optimizes the interplay between operating strategy, battery module design and service life in terms of profitability. Methods are being developed to optimize self-consumption and to extend the service life of the storage system by adjusting the charging and discharging rates individually to the customer's usage behavior.

What is LONGER used for

A sound understanding of the battery storage system behavior including degradation or aging over time is key for the success of this research project. For this purpose, the interactions of several aspects, such as electro-thermal performance, aging and degradation, operating strategy, as well as economic boundary conditions, must be taken into account. Nevertheless, holistic modeling is numerically expensive and not yet state-of-the-art, especially when covering the entire lifetime of the target systems (>10 years). As part of the research project, a flexible yet high-performant simulation framework will be developed, that efficiently couples different subsystems or "digital twins". With this framework, it will be possible to support the prototypical validation and thus test and evaluate the operation strategy developed in Longer over the entire lifetime of the system. At the end of the project, the results obtained in the context of home storage systems will be analyzed and evaluated in different scenarios as part of a simplified (accelerated) field test.

Our contributions to the project

  • Electro-thermal modelling of the electrical home storage system
  • Data Analytics and Model Order Reduction
  • Development of an efficient lifetime simulation framework
  • Evaluation and validation of the operating strategy with lifetime simulations


  • VARTA Storage (Coordinator)
  • Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesystem ISE
  • NOVUM GmbH


Traffic jams related to irregular traffic are a common problem that imposes immense societal costs on both citizens and public authorities. In this project, we develop a holistic cooperative optimization approach that explicitly targets delays caused by irregular traffic phenomena. The proposed approach aims to (i) assess the resilience of a transportation network, (ii) identify critical and vulnerable elements, (iii) reduce (ir)regular delays, (iv) identify dynamic bottlenecks, and (v) mitigate their negative impacts through new control approaches and dynamic speed recommendations. The collaboration between industry partners, government agencies, and academic partners will enable the project partners to develop implementation-ready tools, which will be tested at the 2024 State Garden Show.

Learn more about M-CUBE/COLTOC


To achieve this goal, COLTOC uses a new type of sensor developed in this project that is capable of measuring regular and irregular traffic phenomena. The new information will be used to develop multimodal traffic models capable of detecting and correcting traffic incidents due to irregular traffic patterns. This project is the first to explore the relationship between network topology, integrated mobility, connected and autonomous vehicles, and new sensor technologies. The expected outcome is a framework capable of delivering significant societal benefits (improved air quality, reduced travel times, sustainable modal shift) while boosting economic growth thanks to breakthroughs in sensor technology and automation.

Our contributions to the project

  • Providing Tronis for project partners
  • Scenario creation in Tronis with focus on the traffic flow which represents a real traffic situation.
  • Implementation of an interface to the planning algorithm in Tronis. Integration of message exchange between road users within Tronis.
  • Extension of the co-simulation interface between Tronis and Sumo.


  • TWT
  • HawaDawa
  • Fujitsu
  • Technical University of München
  • BMW
  • Munich County
  • MVG
  • SIXT
  • Kirchheim


Digitization and automation increasingly lead to software-intensive systems and services and place high demands on industrial software development. Today, such software-intensive systems are rarely developed from scratch, but are incrementally assembled, integrated, and tailored to the needs of a specific customer, market, or region in short iteration cycles. Far too often, however, certain quality aspects of the system begin to deteriorate over time. It is therefore extremely important to be able to accurately analyze and determine the impact of each software change and enhancement on the quality of the entire software-intensive system.

SmartDelta develops automated solutions for the quality assessment of software increments for a continuous software development process. SmartDelta designs intelligent analysis methods based on development artifacts (e.g. source code, log files, requirements specifications), provides insights into the quality improvements or degradations of different software versions and provides recommendations for the next software versions.

Learn more about SmartDelta


  • The goal of SmartDelta is to develop automated solutions for the quality assessment of software products and versions in continuous software development processes. SmartDelta focuses in particular on the validation and verification of extra-functional requirements and the corresponding implementation, provision, and maintenance of test models as a basis for the realization of automated quality assurance activities. The concrete goals of SmartDelta are:
  • Automate model building by using natural language processing techniques and pattern-based approaches.
  • Establishment of an automated consistency check and validation of software increments
  • Reducing of the development, deployment, and feedback loops in software development
  • Reduction of quality assurance efforts for extra-functional properties

What is SmartDelta used for?

Software-intensive systems and services are not usually designed and implemented from scratch for each customer or order, but are delivered as a further development or as a modified version of an existing software product tailored to the needs of a specific customer, market or region. Over time, software companies manage increasing volumes of software products in various versions and levels of maturity that serve as the basis for subsequent reuse. Efficient creation and delivery of high-quality and secure software is only possible if the quality and maturity assessments as well as the quality assurance process are supported by a sufficient degree of automation.

SmartDelta develops automated solutions for software product and release quality assessment, enabling organizations to develop and deliver high-quality, trusted software systems in a fast-paced, agile environment.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Approach to transforming extra-functional requirements expressed in constrained natural language into formalized requirements models.
    • Automated generation of test cases from model checkers
    • Automated model-based testing of the system models against the formalized requirements based on automatically generated test cases
    • Approach to identifying cause-and-effect chains for problematic behavior in new software artifacts and making recommendations for improving the software based on these cause-and-effect chains.


    • Software AG*,
    • AKKA Industry Consulting GmbH
    • Fraunhofer FOKUS
    • ifak – Institute for Automation and Communication
    • Bombardier*
    • Infotiv
    • Mälardalen University
    • Quviq AB
    • RISE – Research institutes of Sweden**
    • Sotec Consulting*
    • University of Madrid Carlos III
    • Dakik Yazilim Teknolojileri
    • Ericsson
    • ERSTE Software Limited
    • Kuveyt Turk Bank*
    • NetRD
    • BEIA GmbH*
    • c.c.com GmbH
    • University of Innsbruck
    • Cyberworks Robotics
    • eCAMION INC.
    • GlassHouse Systems
    • SmartCone Technologies Inc.
    • University of Ontario Institute of Technology*


    * national coordinator; ** international coordinator;


    KARLI stands for Artificial Intelligence for Adaptive, Responsive and Level-Compliant Interaction in the Vehicle of the Future. The project investigates driver states and driving situations, evaluates them by means of tuned AI models and develops human-machine interactions adapted to the situation. The AI-based driver-vehicle state models are expected to provide the necessary quality and robustness for autonomous driving, even at higher levels. The specifications for vehicle architecture and sensor technology are to be used as a guideline for the use and derivation of data in production vehicles.
    In KARLI, the following applications are developed from concept to prototype:
    Level-compliant driver behavior - detection and promotion
    AI interaction for adaptive systems
    Motion sickness - detection and prevention

    Learn more about KARLI


    The goal of the KARLI project is to develop an adaptive, responsive and level-conforming interaction in the vehicle of the future.

    To this end, customer-relevant AI functions are being developed in KARLI that capture driver states and shape interactions for different stages on the way to an automated vehicle (automation level).

    These AI functions are developed in KARLI from empirical and synthetically generated data. The data will be collected and used in KARLI in such a way that the project results are scalable to Big Data from production vehicles that will be available in the future.

    Our contributions to the project

    TWT participates in all applications with

    • Concept development for human-machine interaction through voice user interface
    • Develop machine learning and data analytics methods for context and driving situation recognition.
    • Identifying emotional states and features of motion sickness through machine learning.


    • Continental Automotive Gmbh
    • Ford-Werke GmbH
    • Audi AG
    • paragon semvox GmbH
    • TWT GmbH Science & Innovation
    • studiokurbos GmbH
    • Fraunhofer IAO
    • Fraunhofer IOSB
    • Allround Team GmbH
    • Hochschule der Medien
    • University Stuttgart
    • branmatt II legal (under subcontract)


    AINET-Antillas is a sub-project within the European AINET initiative. In various applications, such as Industry 4.0 and connected and autonomous driving, network availability and quality are of utmost importance to implement customer functions properly. AINET-Antillas develops and validates infrastructure elements for applications in highly networked scenarios. Tronis® is to be used for validating automated, connected and autonomous driving functions with regard to network quality; the latter also applies when comparing different network generations.

    Learn more about AINET-Antillas


    AI-NET is aimed at creating a platform for the dynamic configuration of communication networks while they are running; a platform not only easy to use from a network operator's point of view, but also from the user's perspective. Via open descriptive interfaces ("intent-based"), the full potential of the infrastructure can thus be utilised along with seamless multi-cloud integration. Three sub-projects within the AINET framework develop solutions based on concrete, complementary application scenarios and implement them in demonstrators. The Antillas sub-project focuses on developing infrastructure elements for automated telecommunications networks with the aim of making them suitable for applications in the fields of industry and autonomous driving.

    What is AINET-Antillas used for?

    Within AINET-Antillas, data measurements are carried out and sensor modules are evaluated during real measurement runs. In collaboration with network and infrastructure technologies, realistic scenarios can be virtually examined and validated. These scenarios focus on communication and entertainment systems, entertainment functions and autonomous and connected driving functions relying on the 5G mobile communications standard. AINET-Antillas will also contribute to the virtual validation of driver assistance systems, with a particular emphasis on the functions using cellular data to compute their behaviour.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Development of novel solutions for application scenarios
    • Autonomous network operation through end-to-end automation
    • Infrastructure optimised for latency and security for telecommunications networks
    • Specification of simulation concept, model extensions and interfaces
    • Establishment and integration of technical interfaces for mobile communications and data models
    • Implementation of model extensions, simulation in prototypical scenarios
    • Demonstrator implementation in Tronis®
    • Development of close-to-reality use cases for connected driving
    • Generation of simulation results, data exchange with partners
    • Investigation of mobile communications and WLAN
    • Demonstrator of cloud-based application and visualisation


    • DCAITI (Karl Hübener)
    • Ericsson, Nokia
    • Fraunhofer Fokus (Robert Protzmann)
    • Attesio (Netzplanung-/optimierung)
    • Uni Stuttgart IKR
    • Adva (equipment for optical transmission of information)


    The acronym KoSi stands for Cooperative Autonomous Driving with Safety Guarantees. This project aims to investigate how the challenge of autonomous driving in complex traffic situations can be mastered through cooperative manoeuvre planning. Here, a particular focus is on mixed traffic scenarios, i.e. with autonomous and non-autonomous road users.

    Learn more about KoSi


    In this project, methods and algorithms are being developed to cooperatively negotiate the areas that can be travelled by the autonomous road user in a group of road users. These areas serve then to plan the vehicle trajectories and to identify potential emergency manoeuvres. Communication models between autonomous and non-autonomous road users are being established for taking into account even mixed traffic scenarios. Prediction of driving behaviour and trajectory planning will be viewed holistically together with their formal verification, thus guaranteeing the safety of manoeuvres. Radar systems as an essential component of autonomous vehicles' sensor technology will be further developed in terms of safety, in particular for detecting attempts at manipulation.

    What is KoSi used for?

    Driver assistance systems have long been an integral part of modern cars and trucks. Despite the development of increasingly intelligent and innovative systems, it is still a rocky road to the safe operation of autonomous vehicles in large-scale use and in all environments (extra-urban and urban). For many years to come, mixed traffic of conventional and automated vehicles, as well as of road users not capable of being automated, will dominate. The development of inherently safe methods of manoeuvre planning, especially for complex traffic scenarios, is thus inevitable. On this issue, KoSi will make its contribution.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Generation of complex, realistic test scenarios (incl. road users not capable of being autonomised, such as cyclists and pedestrians)
    • Method development: coupling of the development and simulation tools involved
    • Verification: validation of the algorithms developed in the project
    • Radar sensor technology: generation of training data, data manipulation


    • TWT GmbH


    In the newAide project, the partners are researching the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in highly complex, simulation-based design processes in vehicle development with the aim of accelerating, optimising and partially automating these processes. In addition to improving individual design disciplines through AI approaches, the newAIDE project will use the sub-projects to investigate a fundamental database structure, as well as data structuring that supports and simplifies the use of AI methods in vehicle design. This could provide the base for a widespread introduction of AI approaches in vehicle design and beyond.

    Learn more about newAide


    An important technical goal is to optimise simulation processes using AI algorithms. With the help of AI, the simulations will also include boundary conditions and factors in the decision-making process that previously had to be disregarded due to the high complexity. The additional networking is intended to increase the simulations' predictive accuracy and robustness of the simulations and thus contribute to reducing the development time.

    What is newAide used for?

    The project focuses on design processes in which fundamental decisions are based on human knowledge and experience. The decisions are to be learned by AI algorithms and made largely autonomously on the basis of comprehensive test, engineering and simulation data. In this way, complex design tasks that are currently still dependent on the developer's skills and experience can be transferred by AI methods into automatable, data-based decision-making processes.


    Our contributions to the project

    • Specifying use cases in multi-body simulation and control systems for the pre-application of chassis parameters.
    • Automating workflows for the chassis and control design process
    • Exploring new methods in metamodelling for physical systems
    • Validating and optimising the methods developed for AI-controlled chassis and control design processes


    •  BMW
    • TUM – Data Analytics & ML (Günnemann)
    • TUM – Vibroacoustics (Marburg)
    • MSC Software
    • Altair
    • divis


    ALFRIED – Automated and Connected Driving in Logistics at the FRIEDrichshafen test field – is intended to serve inner-city-goods traffic in the future. The overall concept of the hyper-efficient mobility system consists of several mobility users. The project aims to improve the overall traffic situation, especially of vehicles (both connected and non-connected), intelligent infrastructures and control centres. To this end, various technologies are being developed and prepared for use and deployment in real traffic. In the future, the findings from Friedrichshafen should be highly relevant for other cities and regions.

    Learn more about ALFRIED


    The aim of the project is to develop a "future-proof, sustainable mobility system through automated driving and networking". As a German medium-sized city, the Friedrichshafen test site (real traffic) on Lake Constance offers an excellent field of application for a mobility concept that is transferable to many cities and regions. With the focus on the infrastructure and the Smart City Control Centre, the complex mobility system of the city of Friedrichshafen is to be further developed. Automated and connected driving, data integration, route optimisation, disruption prediction and intelligent real-time information are to optimise inner-city transport of goods between factory locations. The savings in transport runs and/or the associated emission consumption and the relief of the inner-city traffic volume shall be the outcome of this optimisation.

    What is ALFRIED used for?

    The ALFRIED project addresses problems of road safety and efficiency as well as high road congestion. The mixed operation between motorised and non-motorised road users, as well as among vehicles capable and incapable of V2X, currently poses a challenge. For the benefit of all road users and to reduce traffic hold-ups, there is a need to improve traffic flow and optimise routes.

    Much of the content in the digital platform is expanded by various data sources and evaluated, analysed and displayed via the Smart City Control Centre, including intelligent infrastructure with its sensor fusion concept for complex intersections, as well as automated and connected driving in difficult driving situations. It also includes data from Intelligent Vehicles (about the vehicle, the infrastructure and environment). The results are validated at the Friedrichshafen test field with a special focus on inner-city transport of goods.

    Our contributions to the project

    Virtual verification platform featuring Tronis

    • Replicating test tracks
    • V2X communication
    • Sensor technology (ray tracing)
    • Digital twin
    • Validation
    • System tests
    • Test scenarios
    • Software-in-the-loop/HiL/Vehicle-in-the-loop


    Dynamic Map

    • Providing and aggregating information from and for all vehicles capable of V2X
    • Metainformation of vehicles
    • Surrounding information (signs, traffic lights, no-drive zones)
    • (Mobile) road works
    • Road-related procurement
    • Acquisition of vehicle environment
    • Representation of vehicles not capable of V2X
    • Representation of traffic flow for control and optimisation
    • Warning of critical (dangerous) situations


    • IWT
    • DHBW Ravensburg
    • DLR Braunschweig
    • ETO Gruppe
    • Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft
    • IHSE
    • IMST
    • Netwake Vision
    • Voltra Solutions
    • ZF Friedrichshafen


    Autoaccept stands for the elimination of insecurity in understanding human-machine interaction ("Automation Without Insecurity to Increase Acceptance of Automated and Connected Driving"). To improve the user experience, the recommender system selects the most suitable adaptation for the driver with regard to the information provided on the traffic situation or driving style.

    Learn more about Autoaccept


    Lack of trust and negative expectations may diminish acceptance of new technologies. While the emergence of automated and autonomous driving brings many benefits such as more leisure time, users also face challenges. Among the latter are lack of trust, insecurity about driving decisions made autonomously, and motion sickness.

    What is Autoaccept used for?

    To improve the acceptance of automated and autonomous driving, AUTOAKZEPT aims to develop user-centred strategies. This will bring about a safe change in driving style and trust in Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) in autonomous and automated vehicles. A user-centric, iterative approach is adopted for achieving this. The problems described above are to be overcome by means of Autoaccept.

    Our contributions to the project

    • User state recognition
    • User studies in real vehicles and simulators
    • HMI to reduce insecurity and increase user experience
    • Developing and implementing the recommender system
    • Situation model


    • DLR Braunschweig (Coordinator)
    • IAV GmbH 
    • TU Chemnitz 
    • BMW Group (associated partner)


    LiBAT – Development of a High Voltage Lithium BATtery – aims to develop an ultra-light, highly integrated battery pack for aerospace applications. The LiBAT design meets demanding requirements in terms of weight, energy density and performance and can be used flexibly in various applications. Prior to the LiBAT design being used in electric and hybrid aircraft, prototypical implementations and tests on the ground (TRL4) are being carried out. LiBAT is shaping a new future for aviation.

    Learn more about LiBAT


    The field of hybrid and electric propulsion systems for aviation represents an enormous potential for innovation, especially with regard to CO2 savings. In order to achieve reliable, efficient and safe operation of appropriate battery systems, the latter must be developed and optimised with a careful eye on energy capacity, power density, total weight and volume, thermal requirements and design aspects. The main goal of the project is the design of a particularly lightweight battery pack with state-of-the-art energy density and building a prototype. A clear interface definition will ensure the demonstrator's facile integration into current aircraft architectures. The prototype will be developed with the target of achieving TRL4 and will be validated under laboratory conditions.


    What is LiBAT used for?

    Lightweight and powerful battery packs can be used in a multitude of ways - from applications in electrified aviation (air taxis, e-gliders) or even in e-vehicles to mobile battery packs (e.g. power provision at construction sites).

    Our contributions to the project

    • System simulation and modelling of battery pack and on-board power system
    • Electrical & thermal simulations
    • Project coordination


    • LION Smart GmbH
    • Dassault Aviation (Topic Lead) 


    Rabe - Intelligent Rollator for Inpatient Care to Preserve the Autonomy of Residents and to Relieve the Workload of Caregivers – comprises the development of an intelligent rollator designed to increase the user's autonomy and mobility while relieving the workload of caregivers. This is achieved through a range of functions, such as the "Autonomous Driving" mode, an indoor navigation and an automatic pedal support. The products developed during the project are being tested in a nursing home run by Stiftung Liebenau.  ollator für die stationäre Pflege zum  Liebenau.       

    Learn more about RABE


    The RABE project aims to develop a smart rollator specifically for the needs of long-term inpatient care. The RABE rollator is intended to improve the autonomy of nursing home residents and to relieve nursing staff. This is achieved, among other things, by means of an electric drive that supports the user in coping with longer distances and inclines, as well as in driving over thresholds and curbs. In addition, the rollator is capable of driving autonomously using ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. This allows it, for example, to pick up the user at the bedside, thus relieving him/her of a route on which accidents often occur.

    What is RABE for?

    For years, the number of people in need of care has been rising in Germany due to increasing life expectancy. As a result, there is a growing need for new care concepts for the elderly, which have a demonstrably positive influence on maintaining, restoring or even increasing the quality of life in old age. The resulting needs cannot be met by the nursing staff alone; instead, technological innovations will have to be increasingly integrated into everyday nursing care of the future. The functionalities developed during the RABE project are intended to relieve caregivers of individual tasks or to support them in coping with those.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Supporting the technical implementation of rollator localisation and motor control
    • Implementing indoor navigation
    • Implementing a voice control system
    • Implementing a service-based backend
    • Creating a digital rollator twin for simulative further development and validation (TRONIS)


    • Telocate GmbH
    • Reiser AG Maschinenbau
    • Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten (IKI, IGVP)


    OPsTIMAL – Optimised Processes for Trajectory, Maintenance, Management of Resources and Airline Operations – aims to optimise aviation operations. Data analysis and predictive maintenance of engines help to track the research on these topics.

    Learn more about OPsTIMAL


    The OPsTIMAL research project aims at software-based optimisation of flight operations by combining various relevant data sources in a single database. In this way, flexible disruption management, based on current conditions and user preferences such as costs, punctuality and safety, is to be made possible. A key element of the approach is the holistic optimisation of all subsystems considered, i.e. trajectory planning, MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Operations), turnaround and fleet and crew rotation. In the final version, the database display will give users a detailed overview of the respective situation and provide the corresponding evaluated options for action.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Data analysis
    • Development of algorithms for predictive maintenance of jet engines
    • Website for project presentation


    • PACE
    • Rolls Royce
    • MTU
    • Inform
    • DIEHL
    • SAP
    • DLR
    • Fraunhofer FKIE
    • Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Technische Universität Dresden


    In the project AIToC – Artificial Intelligence Supported Tool Chain in Manufacturing Engineering – an integrated tool chain for production planning and production systems engineering is being developed to support decision-making at very early stages. This includes the development and adaptation of tools for defining and managing requirements, as well as for creating process plans, equipment models and layouts. For this purpose, a model-based approach is used to define product and production requirements. Tool chain integration focuses on solutions for tool interoperability and plug & play functionality to be flexible in designing the simulation environment. This will have a significant impact on efficiency (cost), quality of models and cycle time for simulations in the industrial context.

    Learn more about AIToC


    The aim is to develop an integrated and AI-supported tool chain for production planning and the production systems engineering. The planned tool chain will support the formalisation and automated requirements analysis, the computer-aided simulation model generation and the software-supported generation of layouts. In all these dimensions, AI approaches will be used to process the large amounts of data needed to learn from existing solutions. Concrete methods include knowledge management and expert systems, natural language processing and machine learning.

    What is AIToC used for?

    Expansion and improvement of virtual validation and, in particular, virtual commissioning in production planning and production systems engineering by incorporating manual processing steps and automated model creation for co-simulation.

    Automating and improving the requirements specification process by a) providing a graphical requirements representation for visual analysis, by b) automating the formalisation of natural language text requirements, and by c) providing a formalised and unambiguous basis for analysis, testing, work plan generation and communication during planning and engineering.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Automated and AI-based formalisation of natural language text requirements
    • Further development of the TWT requirements engineering tool in terms of modelling language, requirements modelling editor, visualisation of requirements, transformation of specification models, AI-based analysis and testing of formalised requirements, as well as support for the ReqIF standard.
    • Ontology-based end-to-end approach to data and tools
    • AI-based creation of behavioural models based on real measurement data
    • Automated online update of a production system's digital twin
    • Coupling of FMI-based MMUs for manual process steps to the TWT co-simulation master for production systems to enable simulation of manual process steps in human-machine interactions.


    • Daimler Buses EvoBus GmbH (deutscher Koordinator)
    • DFKI – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
    • EKS InTec GmbH
    • ifak – Institut für Automation und Kommunikation e.V.
    • in2sight GmbH
    • isb innovative software businesses GmbH
    • Raumtänzer GmbH, SAG – Software AG


    iVeSPA – Integrated Verification, Sensors and Positioning for Aircraft Production – is investigating ways to significantly increase the level of digitisation in today's aircraft production. The current level of process step digitisation is rather low. Insofar as the machines used in the process make their sensor data from the undergone process steps available for further use, isolated solutions will emerge at best. A networking of the machines or central storage for simplified access to all data of the manufacturing processes is not widely implemented.

    Learn more about iVeSPA


    During the iVeSPA project, the efficiency of aircraft production is to be improved by increasing the individual processes' level of digitisation. For this purpose, radio-based and optical localisation methods are used to track an aircraft component throughout the entire installation process from delivery to installation in the aircraft fuselage. The dataset created is read into a digital 1:1 factory model in real time for simulative process description and display. For value-enhancing integration of sensor data generated with the production, the latter is linked to the underlying processes, thus ensuring quality and temporal sequences of the processes.


    Our contributions to the project

    •     Modelling of positioning sensors
    •     Creating a digital model of the manufacturing environment (Blender)
    •     Integrating data from a sensor network and linking it to the model (Python)
    •     Implementing a digital twin of the underlying process


    • Airbus Operations GmbH
    • Advanced Realtime Tracking GmbH & Co. KG
    • Agilion GmbH (nun Siemens AG)
    • Fraunhofer-Institut für Fabrikbetrieb und -automatisierung IFF
    • Werkzeugmaschinenlabor WZL der RWTH Aachen
    • Siemens AG
    • ZAL Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung GmbH


    “Simulation of mobile networks and automotive behavior in realtime“ - Autonomous driving applications place high demands on mobile communications networks, which naturally have varying qualities of service. SMART is investigating virtual Vehicle-to-X (V2X) applications and their resilience in LTE and 5G scenarios. The project developed a mechanism for negotiating the Quality of Service (QoS). Real-time simulations of V2X-based autonomous driving scenarios in the Tronis® 3D virtual environment were also used to evaluate the mechanism's capabilities to predict stochastic QoS guarantees.

    Learn more about SMART


    The aim of SMART is the innovative coupling of existing simulators for sub-aspects of autonomous driving relevant to mobile communications. In this way, a real-time capable simulation platform for the integrated investigation of V2X communications in scenarios close to reality is to be created. Using the platform, the mechanisms developed in SMART for negotiating and predicting the communications' quality of service will be evaluated in terms of their usefulness and feasibility.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Integration of V2X simulation models into the Tronis® 3D simulation environment 
    • Creation of simulation modules for autonomous driving scenarios 
    • Traffic simulation
    • Real-time simulations 
    • Co-simulations
    • Static and dynamic scenario generation
    • Creation of realistic virtual driving scenarios


    • Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering
    • University Stuttgart


    While assistive robots are already well developed in terms of function, they are currently often not yet capable of interpreting human emotions and behaviour correctly and of interacting with the user in a way appropriate to the situation. If assistive robots are to enter our private everyday life, they must be enabled to correctly interpret the user's state and the context of use and to adapt their verbal and non-verbal interaction strategy accordingly.

    Learn more about RITUAL


    In RITUAL, established interaction strategies from robotics and the vehicle cabin are to be integrated into existing assistive robot platforms, adapted to different user types and states and evaluated in a long-term study. The focus is on investigating interaction-relevant parameters, such as the level of proactivity shown by assistive robots when initiating a dialogue with the user, the language of the assistive robots and their approach dynamics. The optimal interaction strategy is determined on the basis of personal characteristics, theoretically substantiated and recorded in the user profile, emotions detected in real time as well as through the interpretation of the current context. By adapting the assistive robot behaviour to both the user and the context, a positive effect on the User Experience (UX), the acceptance and the trust of the user is expected.

    RITUAL is grounded in social science through participatory research methods that iteratively involve potential users in the specification of human-robot interaction (MRI) scenarios and the exploration of ELSI aspects and contextual factors. The special safety requirements arising from the uncontrolled place of use and the proximity between the human and the robot are also taken into account in a safety concept appropriate to both the standards and the context.

    Our contributions to the project

    • Planning the main project


    • LebensPhasenHaus Tübingen
    • Mehrgenerationenhaus Ravensburg
    • Zusammenleben 4.0 Halle
    • Stiftung Liebenau
    Mathematical Research & Services

    Mathematical Research

    Scientific engineering and physical questions are often formulated by partial differential equations and solved using the Finite Element Method (FEM). In this method, the given calculation domain is first meshed, i.e. broken down into simple geometric elements, such as triangles or quadrilaterals in case of surface models, or tetrahedra or hexahedra in case of volume models. These elements are used as the basis for defining the solution function, the coefficients of which are to be determined by the FE procedure. Depending on the quality of the resulting mesh, this is followed by a mesh optimisation step, which may be integrated, if applicable, into the mesh generation procedure. Then, taking into account boundary conditions such as loads, fixations, etc., a linear system of equations is set up during the FE simulation process to determine the solution coefficients. Subsequently, the resulting FE system is solved using special numerical methods and the solution of the simulation problem is evaluated.

    Learn more about mathematical research

    Starting point: Obtaining high-quality meshes at geometric complexity

    In this process, the quality of the meshing has a decisive influence on the efficiency and accuracy of FE simulation. As a rule, meshes with elements that are as regular as possible are desirable in order to avoid element angles that are too small or too large, since these lead to an increase in the condition number of the stiffness matrix and thus to poorer solvability of the resulting FE system or to inaccuracies in the resulting solution. The generation of high-quality meshes becomes more and more problematic with increasing geometric complexity.

    TWT solution approach: „GETMe“

    TWT's Mathematical Research & Services department developed the Geometric Element Transformation Method (GETMe) for smoothing finite element meshes. In this method, the quality improvement is achieved exclusively by repositioning mesh nodes without changing the mesh topology, i.e. the connectivity structure of the mesh elements is maintained. This is exemplified in the figure below for an outer mesh consisting of hexahedrons of the Aletis open passenger car developed by TWT. In the figure, the elements are coloured according to their regularity. Regularity was measured using a regularity measure, taking the value 0 (red) for degenerated elements and 1 (blue) for regular elements. In particular, elements with small quality numbers should be avoided, as these can lead to instabilities and inaccuracies in the finite element calculation.
    Mesh smoothing by GETMe is based on the use of geometric transformations for polygons and polyhedra, which, when applied iteratively, successively transform problematic elements into regular and thus higher-order elements. In principle, the procedure is suitable for the improvement of the most common FE mesh types.



    In the publications authored by TWT, it was possible to demonstrate through numerous numerical tests and mathematical proofs that GETMe achieves mesh qualities previously only attainable with global optimisation methods. However, GETMe yields a significant speed advantage, since global optimisation methods require considerably more computing power due to their mathematical optimisation approach.
